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Eggs are rich in immune boosting nutrients , egg yolk kills fungus

Eggs have long been recognized as a source of high-quality protein. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other public health authorities actually use eggs as their reference standard for evaluating the protein quality in all other foods. Egg protein is usually referred to as “HBV” protein, meaning protein with High Biological Value. Since eggs areContinue reading “Eggs are rich in immune boosting nutrients , egg yolk kills fungus”

Sensory signals of Epilepsy and natural therapies

Epilepsy Natural and Complementary Therapies Many natural compounds also affect the brain and may be able to influence epilepsy; natural compounds will likely be most beneficial as adjuvants to conventional therapies. Vitamins and Minerals Epilepsy patients should also be aware that long-term use of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) can negatively affect their vitamin and mineral status.Continue reading “Sensory signals of Epilepsy and natural therapies”

Grains, coffee, molds, and Vitamin C

Seven tips today to conquer mold toxicity. So let’s dive in first to some of the symptoms associated with a mold toxicity. So who should be taking maybe it’s mold? What are the main things that we’re going to be experiencing? So symptom number one and probably one of the most pervasive and common symptoms ofContinue reading “Grains, coffee, molds, and Vitamin C”

Vitamin D rich foods to prevent seizures

Foods that provide vitamin D include: Fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon Foods fortified with vitamin D, like some dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cereals Beef liver Cheese Egg yolks Our client has epilepsy and goes on seizure many times a month. She has poor appetite but loves walking especially during sunny days. She loves cheese. She is onContinue reading “Vitamin D rich foods to prevent seizures”

Acetylcholine/Choline Deficiency in Chronic Illness – eat soft boiled eggs

To my friends who love to drink alcohol be it San Miguel beer or red wine, do eat protein rich foods like soft boiled eggs when drinking. To my BFF with pancreas health issues, eat soft boiled eggs. Connie Acetylcholine/Choline Deficiency in Chronic Illness – The Hunt for the Missing Egg. Those who lack cholineContinue reading “Acetylcholine/Choline Deficiency in Chronic Illness – eat soft boiled eggs”

Virus , Vitamin A, B , D and C and why some people die from the Flu

Visit the Mercola Video Library Story at-a-glance While influenza can indeed be deadly in rare cases, these deaths are typically the result of secondary infections, not the flu virus itself Research has highlighted the link between influenza and severe sepsis (blood poisoning). Symptoms of sepsis can mimic the flu, and are often overlooked. Without promptContinue reading “Virus , Vitamin A, B , D and C and why some people die from the Flu”

What are the fruits that I should drink to have a healthier hair, and how many times in a week should I drink it?

My answer to What are the fruits that I should drink to have a healthier hair, and how many times in a week should … Answer by Connie b. Dellobuono: Skin and hair health are the same. Nutrients for both are Vitamin A, B, C and E. My son has the same problem. Eat rawContinue reading “What are the fruits that I should drink to have a healthier hair, and how many times in a week should I drink it?”

Deficiency symptoms

by Walter Last Eye, hair, nail, mouth and skin symptoms are among the early outward warning signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The following compilations may help in diagnosing and treating these deficiencies. However, increased metabolic requirements for indicated deficiencies may persist for a long time after the outward symptoms have disappeared. Many listed symptomsContinue reading “Deficiency symptoms”

Personalized Diet = genes, environment, lifestyle,family history,exercise, current health issues and more

By Connie Dello Buono Email motherhealth@gmail.com to get the first draft of an ebook on Personalized Diet that comes with work from partner genetic counselors, current science and patient related research, from results of your own health data and Whole Exome Sequence DNA test ($500 test, free ebook, free health coaching and health concierge). https://clubalthea.com/?s=food https://clubalthea.com/?s=geneContinue reading “Personalized Diet = genes, environment, lifestyle,family history,exercise, current health issues and more”

Is there any scientific evidence that scalp massages increase hair growth?

Is there any scientific evidence that scalp massages increase hair growth? by Connie b. Dellobuono Answer by Connie b. Dellobuono: Massage helps our cells grow. I massage from children whenever they are sick. A 90 yr old Alzheimer's client is being massaged in her head by her daughter daily. She still eats and smiles oftenContinue reading “Is there any scientific evidence that scalp massages increase hair growth?”

How do I treat coarse hair to make it smooth like baby hair?

How do I treat coarse hair to make it smooth like baby hair? by Connie b. Dellobuono Answer by Connie b. Dellobuono: Massage with coconut oil (night before) before bathing and washing it. Use coconut base shampoo and conditioner. Use cold or lukewarm water. Eat raw eggs (biotin), probiotics (yogurt/acidophilus), prebiotic, coconut and omega 3/VitContinue reading “How do I treat coarse hair to make it smooth like baby hair?”

Longevity foods, herbs and nutrients

Germanium for longevity The following foods contain the greatest concentrations of Germanium-132: broccoli, celery, garlic, shitake mushrooms, milk, onions, rhubarb, sauerkraut, tomato juice, chlorella, all chlorophyll rich foods and the herbs aloe vera, ginger,ginseng and Suma (see images below). Nutritionally, the natural element germanium has been known to aid in the prevention of cancer andContinue reading “Longevity foods, herbs and nutrients”