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Level and graded life insurance

A graded benefit policy is one that pays a lower amount if death occurs during the first few years after the policy is purchased. This is a technique used by life insurance companies to reduce the cost of policies for less healthy individuals who are already seeking guaranteed issue coverage.It is a life insurance policy for individuals who areContinue reading “Level and graded life insurance”

News.Health.Wealth by Connie

Covid News Like other viruses, the pathogen causing COVID-19 cannot copy itself. Instead it infiltrates living cells—including those lining the human gut—and enlists them to actively replicate its RNA. Infected patients then shed viral RNA particles in bodily fluids, including saliva, mucus and feces. These end up down the drain in wastewater, where they can be foundContinue reading “News.Health.Wealth by Connie”

Coaching, nutrition and exercise to reduce diabetes risk in 30 days

In the absence of a coach, get your community or friends to join you in the gym and in walking. Spend 30 minutes every day walking and getting good sleep and with healthy meals start at 10am and ends at 5pm. Ways to reduce your carb intake. Eliminate Sugar-Sweetened drinks Cut Back on Bread Stop Drinking Fruit Juice.Continue reading “Coaching, nutrition and exercise to reduce diabetes risk in 30 days”

Top health posts – 6-28-2020

Motherhealth Caregivers Philippines Coconut Wine -Tuba Must be free, easy to use innovative home care solutions Apple cider vinegar kills parasites, cleansing to the liver and prevents stroke Foods to eat and avoid when you have Gout and leg pains CAM, holistic ways on cancer, depression, heart health, women and men Raw eggs for healingContinue reading “Top health posts – 6-28-2020”

Top health posts , 6-27-2020

Motherhealth Caregivers Philippines Coconut Wine -Tuba Must be free, easy to use innovative home care solutions Top posts today , June 26,2020 About Apple cider vinegar kills parasites, cleansing to the liver and prevents stroke Foods to eat and avoid when you have Gout and leg pains CAM, holistic ways on cancer, depression, heart health,Continue reading “Top health posts , 6-27-2020”

80s with heavy metal toxicity and nerve damage

Peripheral neuropathy is damage to the peripheral nervous system. … The heavy metals that cause peripheral neuropathy are lead, arsenic, thallium, and mercury. When these elements are in organic or inorganic compounds they become toxic to humans and animals. Arsenic poisoning can mimic Gullain-Barr disease. When presented with nerve pain and blackened feet, I suspected heavy metal  toxicity. Her liver testContinue reading “80s with heavy metal toxicity and nerve damage”

Hot or cold for muscles

As a general rule of thumb, use ice for acute injuries or pain, along with inflammation and swelling. Use heat for muscle pain or stiffness. Connie’s remedy for cold feet for Parkinsons’ Massage with almond oil with added drops of essential oils of ginger, eucalyptus, rosemary , oregano and lemon grass. Create a dry warm compress by filling inContinue reading “Hot or cold for muscles”

What healthy breakfast foods have negative health effects in the long term?

What healthy breakfast foods have negative health effects in the long term? Coffee. For seniors with ulcers, diabetes, gastritis or osteoporosis, the effects of caffeine may be more harmful and not worth the risk.  If you do drink a cup in the morning, make it a fresh batch and add ginger.  Ginger is good forContinue reading “What healthy breakfast foods have negative health effects in the long term?”

About broth and stock, recipe and health tips

Health tips Bone marrow from beef and chicken (whole,wild) help in making new blood and other immune boosting benefits when cooked with sulfur-rich herbs such as ginger, garlic, onions, celery and carrots. Create a fish stock with white wine and water, boiled for few hours and frozen or refrigerated for 5 days. Always add gingerContinue reading “About broth and stock, recipe and health tips”

Coconut with spinach and eggs, not baked

Ingredients 2 tablespoons coconut oil (used for cooking spinach and the final dish) 1 pound spinach (sliced in 1 inch length, cooked separately in medium heat) 1 onion (diced thinly, cooked separately until light brown) 1 clove garlic 1 cup coconut milk (boil separately) 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard juice of 2 lemons 1/4 cup nutritional yeast 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg SeaContinue reading “Coconut with spinach and eggs, not baked”

Essential fatty acids and weight loss

If you want help keep your hormones in balance the natural way, try incorporating these 11 foods into your diet. Avocado Flaxseed Broccoli Pomegranate Salmon Leafy Greens Nuts (cooked) Soy (warmed) In my effort to lose the extra pounds of weight , I added flaxseed oil supplements, massage, walk on the beach, sleep, de-stress (work less) and whole foods in my regimen.Continue reading “Essential fatty acids and weight loss”

Will ginger and turmeric help a senior with inflammed tissues and lung cancer

Inflammation is the main culprit of most diseases. A senior had lung cancer, MS, vascular health issues and many more complications at age 92. In the past, she was able to stop some doctors in giving her more medications. Lately, her favorite cardiologist died and the new doctor does not talk to her pulmonary specialist.Continue reading “Will ginger and turmeric help a senior with inflammed tissues and lung cancer”

What should be included in a regular diet to increase immunity?

Sulfur rich foods such as ginger, garlic, onions, asparagus, mushrooms, broccolli and its sprouts, sweet potatoes, greens, vitamin C rich foods, zinc rich foods, vitamin A and B and coconut water, anti-parasitic diet (avoiding moldy foods and proper washing of whole foods, avoiding processed and pesticides laden foods).   Also, we have to consider inbornContinue reading “What should be included in a regular diet to increase immunity?”

Natural antibiotics and sleep

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #1—Garlic Ahh, garlic. That pungent-smelling, mouth-watering clove of antibiotic goodness is my #1 favorite antibiotic alternative. Spicy, bacteria-fighting, and perfect for when I want my own personal space. 😉 (If you want to learn how I take garlic to fight infection without SMELLING like garlic, be sure to grab your free copy of “The MiracleContinue reading “Natural antibiotics and sleep”