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Nurture is every influence from without that affects man after his birth

Neuroscientists have known that stimuli–sensory experiences such as touch or sound, metabolic changes, injury and other environmental experiences–can trigger the activation of genetic programs within the brain.

When Lovers Touch, Their Breathing and Heartbeat Syncs While Pain Wanes

Summary: Study explores how interpersonal synchronization could help to decrease pain. Source: University of Colorado at Boulder. Fathers-to-be, take note: You may be more useful in the labor and delivery room than you realize. That’s one takeaway from a study released last week that found that when an empathetic partner holds the hand of aContinue reading “When Lovers Touch, Their Breathing and Heartbeat Syncs While Pain Wanes”

Diminish sense of touch in Autism

Action-based touch observation in adults with high functioning autism: Can compromised self-other distinction abilities link social and sensory everyday problems? Next to social problems, individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often report severe sensory difficulties. Altered processing of touch is however a stronger mediator of social symptoms’ severity than altered processing of for instance visionContinue reading “Diminish sense of touch in Autism”

Muscle testing

by Walter Last Our muscles respond to many external as well as internal influences by becoming stronger or weaker. In muscle testing, the change in muscle strength is assessed before and during contact with a test item. This may be, for example, a food sample, a colour or a piece of material. Internal influences areContinue reading “Muscle testing”