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After heart bypass and heart attack

Two men changed their lifestyles after a heart surgery and heart attacks. In the last 15 years after his heart bypass, he started a diet of aloe vera, spirulina and cooked oats with flax seeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds. He didn’t take any anti-hypertensive pills. Another man who had 4 heart attacks 4 monthsContinue reading “After heart bypass and heart attack”

Anti-virus – spirulina

Spirulina (dietary supplement) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Spirulina tablets Spirulina represents a biomass of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) that can be consumed by humans and other animals. There are two species, Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima. Arthrospira is cultivated worldwide; used as a dietary supplement as well as a whole food; and is also available in tablet, flake and powder form. It is also used as a feed supplementContinue reading “Anti-virus – spirulina”