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Smart Home accommodations for seniors and special needs

Implementing smart home solutions Imagine this scenario: You come home from work and your front door, sensing your presence, automatically unlocks for you. You walk in, carrying bags of groceries, and as you enter the kitchen, the lights turn themselves on. You put your groceries away and realizing that you forgot an item, you sendContinue reading “Smart Home accommodations for seniors and special needs”

Are dog size and intelligence linked?

Classification Obey Heavy Weight Avg Low Weight Avg Lowest Degree of Working/Obedience Intelligence 71 56 Fair Working/Obedience Intelligence 0.30 43 30 Average Working/Obedience Intelligence 0.50 60 44 Above Average Working Dogs 0.70 55 40 Excellent Working Dogs 0.85 53 41 Brightest Dogs 0.95 66 49 https://data.world/sharon/what-is-the-correlation-between-dog-size-and-intelligence/insights

Calm and smart baby, healthy pregnancy from childbirth author

Do you want to have smart and healthy babies and a healthy pregnancy, labor and birthing? Come join us for a two-hour session and learn everything about childbirth, babies and mothers. Classes on childbirth, breastfeeding, baby care and more will be conducted by Connie Dello Buono, author of Birthing Ways Healing Ways in San Jose between BranhamContinue reading “Calm and smart baby, healthy pregnancy from childbirth author”