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Doctors’ year end financial and business planning

Dear Doctor, I am a financial advisor at Harding Financial which specialize in strategic tax planning strategies using a combination of corporate structuring and financial planning.   In working with new clients, we find that doctors are paying unnecessary taxes due to improper corporate structure and improper pay and financial structure.  With proper corporate, financial andContinue reading “Doctors’ year end financial and business planning”

Take advantage of legitimate tax strategies to grow your nest egg as quickly as possible

Do not catch a falling knife but do use tax strategies to grow your wealth which is a more effective strategy than trying increase returns on risky investments. Call Connie Dello Buono to meet our senior financial advisors and wealth managers who have a track record of protecting you especially if the market corrects itselfContinue reading “Take advantage of legitimate tax strategies to grow your nest egg as quickly as possible”

Business ownership, real estate and paper assets are your path to wealth building

Business ownership and real estate are the two wealth building asset classes financial advisers typically don’t talk about (because they can’t sell them) even though they are essential components to many wealth plans. Just to be fair, however, business ownership and real estate aren’t for everyone either. These two asset classes have their own setContinue reading “Business ownership, real estate and paper assets are your path to wealth building”

I am looking for dentists/doctors who want to buy or sell their medical practice

Let me help you minimize taxes and realize more money in your pocket. I work with corporate lawyers, CPA, insurance agents and other experts in helping doctors, dentists and other health care professionals reduce taxes in buying or selling their medical practice. I help them have a proper corporate structure to get a tax efficientContinue reading “I am looking for dentists/doctors who want to buy or sell their medical practice”

Free custom financial strategy from financial advisor

A tax efficient financial plan will keep more of your money to last forever based on retirement and health threats. Email Connie Dello Buono , motherhealth@gmail.com , to have a free 30min chat with a financial advisor and receive a free custom financial strategy. Call 408-854-1883 to be scheduled this October before the end ofContinue reading “Free custom financial strategy from financial advisor”

Net Unrealized Appreciation and Qualified Retirement Plan Distributions

Often, individuals employed by large corporations have the option to invest some of their qualified retirement plan contributions (e.g., 401(k) contributions), as well as employer contributions, into their employer’s stock. If you believe in the long term prospects of the company, that may make sense as part of your asset allocation strategy. But what happensContinue reading “Net Unrealized Appreciation and Qualified Retirement Plan Distributions”

Asset Protection Introduction For Small Business Owners

This article is intended for every small business owner/entrepreneur who left behind Corporate America for the opportunity and dream of starting their own business. This entrepreneurial spirit is what made this country what it is today.  However, this dream could be shattered very quickly without taking into consideration adequate asset protection plan.  The notes belowContinue reading “Asset Protection Introduction For Small Business Owners”

Financial strategy keeps business owners in the black

Now that I am working with a team of financial advisors and experts, I learn more each day. Financial strategies can keep a business with less expenses, adding more money in their pocket and doctors with less income taxes. Financial strategies can help a new home owner be at peace with the mortgage. For theContinue reading “Financial strategy keeps business owners in the black”

Free 30-min chat with a financial advisor 408-854-1883

Call Connie Dello Buono to schedule you to one of the many financial advisors who can listen to your financial goals for 30-min at 408-854-1883 and email motherhealth@gmail.com. And then when you know that you need a financial strategy, another 40min free introduction to the financial strategy will be scheduled. There is the listening toContinue reading “Free 30-min chat with a financial advisor 408-854-1883”

4 Ways Men and Women Approach Finance Differently by Maria Cornelius

Anyone familiar with John Gray’s Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus knows the premise that men and women communicate very differently. Perhaps this explains why most female investors prefer to work with a female adviser and most married women leave a male adviser after the husband dies. Starting with the first conversation, womenContinue reading “4 Ways Men and Women Approach Finance Differently by Maria Cornelius”

Is your house your retirement plan?

Your house is not your retirement plan. Many seniors in care homes have sold more than 2 houses to pay for their caregiving services. Contact Connie 408-854-1883 motherhealth@gmail.com for a financial advisor and an LBS expert to help you optimize your retirement savings to last forever with efficient tax strategies and protection for the future.Continue reading “Is your house your retirement plan?”