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How sodium controls opioid brain signaling

SCIENTISTS SOLVE 40-YEAR MYSTERY OF HOW SODIUM CONTROLS OPIOID BRAIN SIGNALING Researchers discover how sodium influences the signalling of opioid receptors.… READ MORE… TARGETING CANCER’S ACHILLES HEEL NEUROSCIENCE NEWSNOVEMBER 6, 2017 Researchers report they have developed a new method for treating cancer that has shown to almost completely eradicate the disease in cell cultures within theContinue reading “How sodium controls opioid brain signaling”

Cabbage family has chlorine for brain and stomach cleansing

CHLORINE – A FEMALE, OXIDIZING AGENT ELEMENT by Dr. Lawrence Wilson Chlorine is a light element and a very important one for fluid balance, production of HCl in the stomach, and the operation of the pituitary gland, as well.  It has a valence of +1.  However, chlorine in most forms is extremely toxic for the body.  It can cause heartContinue reading “Cabbage family has chlorine for brain and stomach cleansing”

Potassium rich foods in the afternoon and sodium rich foods in the morning for sleep

Mechanism that Controls When We Sleep and When We Wake Discovered Simple 2-cycle mechanism turns key brain neurons on or off during 24-hour day. Fifteen years ago, an odd mutant fruit fly caught the attention and curiosity of Dr. Ravi Allada, a circadian rhythms expert at Northwestern University, leading the neuroscientist to recently discover howContinue reading “Potassium rich foods in the afternoon and sodium rich foods in the morning for sleep”

Complications of Low Potassium and sodium and magnesium for balance

The Right Sodium/Potassium Balance. Decreasing sodium and increasing potassium intakes can help control your blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. Sodium. This mineral is essential for life, but most people consume too much.

Potassium needs in dogs, cats and humans

Sodium and Potassium Balance The easiest way to throw your sodium-potassium ratio off kilter is by consuming a diet of processed foods, which are notoriously low in potassium while high in sodium. (Processed foods are also loaded with fructose, which is clearly associated with increased heart disease risk, as well as virtually all chronic diseases.)Continue reading “Potassium needs in dogs, cats and humans”

Metabolic pathway provides cues for cancer, aging and health care

In biochemistry, a metabolic pathway is a linked series of chemical reactions occurring within a cell. The reactants, products, and intermediates of an enzymatic reaction are known as metabolites, which are modified by a sequence of chemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes.[1] In a metabolic pathway, the product of one enzyme acts as the substrate forContinue reading “Metabolic pathway provides cues for cancer, aging and health care”