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Date/Argentine Tango partner needed tonight in San Francisco

I am looking for a dancing partner/date to a live Argentine Tango music and dancing in San Francisco by Claudio Ortega. It starts at 8pm and my date or partners can pick me up in San Jose. I do not talk too much but I am not boring during the drive. I only talk aboutContinue reading “Date/Argentine Tango partner needed tonight in San Francisco”

How to build a man, Esquire Mentors 2014

We want our boys to grow up to be good men. We want them to know that love doesn’t conquer all, but it conquers a lot. We want them to know their kids’ friends’ names and make them laugh. We want them useful and good. To be a little better than they were. A littleContinue reading “How to build a man, Esquire Mentors 2014”

Knowing my strengths and weakness to succeed

Today, I completed my profile to learn about my strengths and weakness in order to succeed. Tony Robbins and his team are my mentors. https://www.tonyrobbins.com/ue/disc-profile.php Research shows that the most successful people share the common trait of self-awareness. They recognize the situations that will make them successful, and this makes it easy for them toContinue reading “Knowing my strengths and weakness to succeed”

Plan your day or others will plan for it

Plan your day or others will use your day for their plans. Share good thoughts or others bad thoughts will fill your mind. Develop good habits or others will influence their habit to you. Spend your day with your good thoughts and actions or others will influence your day based on their thoughts and actions.Continue reading “Plan your day or others will plan for it”

Let lovers be crazy, disgraceful and wild, for those who fret about such things aren’t in love. Rumi

Love’s secret is always lifting its head out from under the covers, “Here I am!” ~Rumi, as interpreted by Coleman Barks Be empty of worrying…. Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. ~Rumi, as interpreted by Coleman Barks Wear gratitude like a cloakContinue reading “Let lovers be crazy, disgraceful and wild, for those who fret about such things aren’t in love. Rumi”

Philippines natural beauty

The natural beauty of the Philippines can be seen in many ways, in nature and in its people. Despite the economy or calamity, the country and its people have evolved thru the years with eyes open to live with grace, calm and peace.  After devastating typhoons, its people fixed all shattered houses and went backContinue reading “Philippines natural beauty”

Happy Birthday my daughter Esther

Happy Birthday my daughter Esther You are now a full fledge woman at 18 In the Philippines, we introduce you to the world I trust you but may not trust the world But, I believe in you In the way you give advice to your friends You are far better than me in some waysContinue reading “Happy Birthday my daughter Esther”

Building Rapport with others, handling objections in sales and acting with certainty

Successful people build rapport with others by: showing that they care about the person asking exceptional questions listening finding commonality with others using congruency from their body, actions, words in aligning how they convey their thoughts and ideas with conviction and certainty with others Sometimes, we do most of the above without our knowledge. WeContinue reading “Building Rapport with others, handling objections in sales and acting with certainty”

Know your outcome and plan a strategy

Know your outcome and plan a strategy, clarity is power. Know your reasons, why this is a must. Take massive action. Attach your nervous system to the outcome. You can create coincidences. Be prepared to reap the opportunity presented in front of you. Know what you are getting, review your results and change your approach.Continue reading “Know your outcome and plan a strategy”

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers

Rumi wrote “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Relationships have changed more in the past 30 years than they did in the past 3,000. That shift has left many of us confused, wounded and worried aboutContinue reading “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers”

You are married to a vegan and triathalon and you are the opposite

How did you make it work? He is vegan and you love pork. Over the 12 years of being married to a vegan, I became semi vegan who consumes more veggies than meaat. Some couples who are opposites in religion, have one converted after 6 months or years. My friend’s hubby is an Ironman andContinue reading “You are married to a vegan and triathalon and you are the opposite”