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Life settlement , what you need to know

Investor Bulletin on Life Settlements The Office of Investor Education and Advocacy is issuing this Investor Bulletin to highlight information about life settlements and some of the risks these types of transactions may pose for investors. Individual investors considering a life settlement transaction may wish to keep the following points in mind and seek guidanceContinue reading “Life settlement , what you need to know”

Let lovers be crazy, disgraceful and wild, for those who fret about such things aren’t in love. Rumi

Love’s secret is always lifting its head out from under the covers, “Here I am!” ~Rumi, as interpreted by Coleman Barks Be empty of worrying…. Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. ~Rumi, as interpreted by Coleman Barks Wear gratitude like a cloakContinue reading “Let lovers be crazy, disgraceful and wild, for those who fret about such things aren’t in love. Rumi”

From spender at 20 yrs old to senior citizen at 66 yrs old

Life teaches us a lesson. Before we lose everything, create a budget and save. It is not late whether you are in the spender group or senior group, let me help you avoid RMD, and being broke or losing money in stocks or other high risk investments. Call for appointment. Connie Dello Buono, retirement plannerContinue reading “From spender at 20 yrs old to senior citizen at 66 yrs old”

Withdraw a net $75,000 per year from $1 million earning 7.5% in a 0% tax bracket

Teachers, nurses and workers are my heroes.  They worked hard and so I pledge to help them with tax free retirement income for life. Whethere you have only $300 per month to save or a $1M to set aside towards a lifetime retirement income, indexing strategy using an IUL will help you withdraw a netContinue reading “Withdraw a net $75,000 per year from $1 million earning 7.5% in a 0% tax bracket”

From B to A college student

When you retake the same subject that you received a lower grade, you have a chance of recording only the highest grade subject that you recently took. This will open doors for you. Remember, higher grades means more money and opportunity. Yes my two teens are in a city college with the hopes of goingContinue reading “From B to A college student”

Meet Linda Moore, RN my wellness guest blogger today

Linda lives in the bay area and had been in wellness for over 20 years helping clients with skin care and holistic health. She worked as a Critical Care Nurse for over 30 years, including positions as Unit Manager in ICU and ER at Stanford University Medical Center. If you need advice or help withContinue reading “Meet Linda Moore, RN my wellness guest blogger today”

Business mentoring and Tax free retirement info to all 18k laid off Microsoft employees

With your experience in working in the corporate environment, you are now in best position to learn how to position yourself in the business world if you are open for a business opportunity. As employees, we have helped build other people’s dreams. It is now time for us to build our own dreams. I have partneredContinue reading “Business mentoring and Tax free retirement info to all 18k laid off Microsoft employees”

Now hiring for your second career and business

Many bay area pros move from one career to another to better their finances and level of happiness. If you want to get out of your comfort zone to achieve the income you deserve, be mentored and succeed in a new career or business with full support, you are all invited this Saturday in FremontContinue reading “Now hiring for your second career and business”

Happy Birthday my daughter Esther

Happy Birthday my daughter Esther You are now a full fledge woman at 18 In the Philippines, we introduce you to the world I trust you but may not trust the world But, I believe in you In the way you give advice to your friends You are far better than me in some waysContinue reading “Happy Birthday my daughter Esther”

What is a business that you can build a community anywhere in the world using technology and human connection?

People create or join a business to earn money or change/pursue career. And then in the process, they create a community. Network marketing is building a brand, finding people that are consumers. A friend of somebody is a consumer first. Everyone is a consumer first. Get the product to the customers. Getting customers, products areContinue reading “What is a business that you can build a community anywhere in the world using technology and human connection?”

To retire or not to retire overseas

Some of my friends want to retire outside of the USA for cost reasons. I cannot retire in the Philippines although it will only cost me less than $500 to survive comfortably in the rural areas close to nature and island surrounded by white sand beaches and fresh food. I have to live close toContinue reading “To retire or not to retire overseas”

Minimum death benefit maximum cash accumulation tax free, risk free

A secret for the affluent, a life insurance that is tax free, linked to inflation (stock market) and indexing investment strategy, participating only when the market is going up (Lock In and Reset). Josh Jenkins-Robbins talks about maximum funded tax advantage life insurance contract using IRS code sections 72(e) 101 (a) 7702. I have thisContinue reading “Minimum death benefit maximum cash accumulation tax free, risk free”

Building Rapport with others, handling objections in sales and acting with certainty

Successful people build rapport with others by: showing that they care about the person asking exceptional questions listening finding commonality with others using congruency from their body, actions, words in aligning how they convey their thoughts and ideas with conviction and certainty with others Sometimes, we do most of the above without our knowledge. WeContinue reading “Building Rapport with others, handling objections in sales and acting with certainty”

Know your outcome and plan a strategy

Know your outcome and plan a strategy, clarity is power. Know your reasons, why this is a must. Take massive action. Attach your nervous system to the outcome. You can create coincidences. Be prepared to reap the opportunity presented in front of you. Know what you are getting, review your results and change your approach.Continue reading “Know your outcome and plan a strategy”